Thursday, January 9, 2014

Give it 100

I first came across this concept several months ago, but didn't look into any more until today.


The idea behind this is that you choose a talent or goal that you can work toward each day, stick to it for 100 days, and see how your commitment has changed you.

Some people choose to learn a new language, learn how to juggle, or they choose a fitness goal, like doing 100 jumping jacks every day. I just made that up, but I'm sure someone's doing it! I saw one project where all the guy did was try to touch his toes! I compared his Day 1 to his Day 11, and let's just say he'll reach his goal well before the 100th day.

Anyway, you record yourself working on your goal and upload ten seconds of your video onto your personal profile. It's called "Give it 100" as in "Hey, give it a try for 100 days", or if you're feeling a bit more ambitious: GIVE IT 100%!

I'm thinking I want to jump on the bandwagon and I have a few ideas as to what I want to do. I'd like to maybe do tummy toning exercises, practice ASL (possibly just signing the alphabet), or something to do with photography. Any input?