Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Bunnies

Yesterday I gave these to the children in our nursery class. Don't worry, I handed them out as each child was leaving and had already heard the Easter story and another testimony about Jesus Christ.

Inside each egg was a (not candy!) gift. I thought the parents would appreciate that, but I'm not so sure that the kids did.

I found this tutorial for the bunny finger puppets and thought it looked easy enough. The woman who created the tutorial actually hints about these being tricky to sew but obviously she didn't do a very good job at that because I was not prepared.  I cut out all of the pieces and sewed on the eyes, nose, and tail a couple of weeks ago, and saved the body stitching for later. Each bunny was supposed to have white-on-color ears, which if you'll notice in the picture below, did not happen. The blue bunny is even missing part of his white ear (and his nose fell off several times).

Before I began sewing the bunnies' bodies, I told Jared, "Get ready, 'cause if this doesn't go well, you'll be holding me and rocking me to sleep tonight as I cry." Well, the ears kept getting sucked down into the machine, the machine jammed several times, and I couldn't seem to move around the bunnies' curves fast enough, so at one point Jared really did come over and hug me until I was calm. Nasty little bunnies!
After taking a break, I sat down and finished all twelve puppets. Some have crooked stitching, and others have gimp eyes, but in the end they turned out cute enough. But never again....

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

New Curtains

We live in an apartment complex where our front windows face the pool/courtyard area, as well as other apartments' windows. Needless to say, I have never actually raised the blinds. Don't get me wrong, I do like the sun, but I also like my privacy and to feel comfortable in my home. I'd like to eventually have curtains in each room, and since I'll have family staying with us later this month, I decided to start with the front room...because that will be their bedroom. You're welcome mom.

I followed this tutorial from "View Along the Way" to make blackout curtains. I would have made them longer if it weren't for the AC unit getting in the way, but I'm happy with the added color to our white walls.

Aghhhh, the sun!

Special thanks to thank Jared for helping me pick out the fabric, paying for it, and hanging up the finished curtains.