About a week after the family reunion, I drove to visit my sister for her big birthday. I brought along the recipe book
Your Cup of Cake, and let Ami choose the cupcakes I would make: Reeses Peanut Butter (
click here for the recipe).
Because Ami and I both have August birthdays, we cashed in on several free meals and ate out somewhere every day. We also went to a Safari park for free, where we fed a giraffe and a tiger.
On my last day we tried to take family photos, but Little L didn't agree with that....

On August 11th Jared and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary. I left Ami's house in the morning and met Jared at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and dessert.
In mid-August I had a two day, hands-on training for work. I only mention this because in the training I learned how to block kicks and punches, and escape from biting and grabbing children. Yes, I need to know this for my job.
As an end to Summer and a
hurrah for me before starting a new job, Jared and I went on a four day cruise to Catalina Island and Mexico.
We celebrated my birthday on the cruise with room service breakfast, a walk around Ensenada, and a two hour nap. Here's 26 year old me with my birthday sombrero. I'm just now noticing all the bird poop on the rock in the picture. Ew.
Although I now work and come home exhausted each day, we have still been able to squeeze in some fun. In September we went to our first Angel's game,
saw Ami (again!), and went with her to Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm.
We also joined a book club and spent a day in San Diego with family.
Wow, that really sounds like a lot now that I've written it all down. But the last two days have been relaxing as we've watched our worldwide Church conference - eight hours of spiritual music, talks, and guidance, which I will later re-visit
here. I hope you will too.
Now on to October!