Sunday, June 2, 2013

As Seen at Target

Have you seen these around lately? They're like a phenomenon around here. The car seat canopy, or cover, is everywhere

I see the appeal in them because they help to keep your baby warm in the winter, or covered up when he's sleeping in public, but then how will strangers like me get the chance to "ooh" and "aww" over your little angel? I really have mixed feelings about this product.

But I also see this as an opportunity. I found an online tutorial for how to make one of these, and it's actually very easy. Since I have no real purpose for one of these myself right now, I have begun to make them for my many pregnant friends, hoping they will actually use them. 

I recently gave my first one away (wish I had a picture) and upon telling my friend that I made it, she exclaimed that she thought I had bought it from Target. 

Target is probably my favorite store, so that made me feel pretty good.

I have a few more projects in mind, but currently no sewing machine. The one I ordered should be ready for pick-up in two days, but until then I've got bags full of fabric calling my name. And if you're pregnant, they might be calling your name too.

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